Letters to my sons.

Trying to explain the world to two very small children.

Archive for March, 2006

CD tower is falling down.

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Dear Son,

yesterday you helped to make CD’s old technology in the Caudle household.

I bought my first CD player in 1988. It was once of the very first integrated CD’s with a cassette and radio and cost £125. In todays money, thats around £225 – but you can buy them for £40 today- the technology was new and expensive in those days. The first CD I bought was Beethoven’s 9th, I thought I was buying the 6th but misread the cover. I think the CD was £12, that would be £20 today.

I managed to blow up the CD player when I wired directly onto the battery of Camper Van. I had managed to get it working that way before but this time it took out the CD functionality. There is a lesson in there somewhere.

Since you learnt to stand up you have been using different items around the house to help you to your feet. Before you had master the art of standing on two feet you would crawl upto the CD racks in the front room and spend hours pulling CD’s out one at a time and piling them on the floor. Lately you have been pulling out a CD, inspecting the front of it and then dropping it on the floor before going for the next one.

You have been using the CD tower to help you to your feet and last night you tried to lean on it, which sent it toppleing over. Luckily I was able to grab it before it fell over but the solid metal money box on top – in the shape of a football – fell off and destroyed a plant pot.

So to stop anymore of these little mishaps all of our CD’s are in the process of being ripped to iTunes. We are then going to purchase an AirTunes device that allows us to send music to the stereo via a computer. That way we can box up all of our CD’s and remove the two CD towers from either side of the fireplace. We can also get rid of the seperate CD player and the radio. I’m not sure if we can get rid of the cassette deck, I have used it once in the last 5 years so …

I’m trying to buy an AirTunes from eBay but I’m not going to pay more than £65.74. I want a 25% discount for buying second hand and I refuse to pay a penny more. So it might be a while before we get one.

Written by Administrator

March 23rd, 2006 at 1:37 pm

Posted in Technology

A catch up.

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Dear Son,

Since I last wrote a good few things have happened.

On Friday 3rd March you pulled your self up and stood up for the first time. You have stood up before but always with help from either your mother or me, but this time it was all you. You pulled yourself up using a walking toy. You managed to stay up right for about 10 seconds before falling sideways and banging your head on the Digi box.

Since I last wrote about Newcastle United they have sacked Graeme Souness and gone on a 6 game unbeaten run. Glen Roeder and Alan Shearer have taken over and turned the club around, they now play with confidence and don’t give away silly goals. Souness complained that he had many injured players but Roeder has been in almost exactly the same position but has managed to win games.

The incumbent of Number 10 believes that he will be judged by God over his decision to kill thousands of Iraqi’s. When a person starts invoking God then rational discussion has ended. Invoking God is what al-Qaeda do to justify their killing. In fact God can be used to justify any action; you can use God to prove black is white, up is down and any other thing you like: correct or not.

Mathematics has certain laws that are immutable but based on logic. They are not open to interpretation, 4 = 4, always and without exception. With religion 4 equals what ever God says it equals.

Also it has been announced that “Creationism” is to be taught in science lessons. Creationists believe that the creation story in the Jewish/Christian/Muslim bible is fact, the whole universe was created in six days – each 24 hours long. They believe that the Earth is only six and a half thousand years old. Any evidence that contradicts the creation story is false and bad science.

My question to Creationists everywhere is to show me the sword guarding the Garden of Eden. The bible tells us where the Garden of Eden is:

And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;
And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.
And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.

Geneses Chapter 2, verses 10 to 14.

So all a person has to do is follow the rivers mentioned above back to their source and eventually you’ll come across:

… Cherubims, and a flaming sword which every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
Geneses Chapter 3, verse 24

So we simply need a map and we can find some Cherbims and a flaming sword.

So far no person has ever found these Cherbims or the flaming sword: why? Because they don’t exist. The one checkable fact in the whole creation story is a load of bunk and utter rubbish. And this rubbish is being taught as fact in a science lesson.

I’ll return to this subject son, time and time again because the rubbish these right wing Nazi so-called Christians spout is dangerous and lies.

Written by Administrator

March 11th, 2006 at 8:57 pm

Posted in Football,Misc,Politics