Letters to my sons.

Trying to explain the world to two very small children.

Archive for November, 2006

Another first.

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Dear Son,

we were playing on the step between the hall and the kitchen again today. In this game I pick you up and then “fall” off the step and into the kitchen, regaining my balance by stumbling around in the kitchen. As I “fall” from the step I make an “ooooooOOOOOHHHH!” sound although lately you have been doing the sound for me.

In the past you have played the game by yourself but you had to hold onto the wall because you couldn’t get down the step without holding on. Well today you were able to go down and back up the step without holding onto the wall.

One small step for a toddler …
I have been writing up a couple of long missives on a group of stupid people. I could spend my the rest of my life pointing out their lies and failures in simple logic but I have a couple of examples to explain my point. When they are finished I will publish. And be damned no doubt.

Written by Administrator

November 28th, 2006 at 9:50 pm

Posted in Misc

Dancing in the kitchen

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Dear Son,

I have just bought a copy of a “Love don’t let me go” so we can have a dance around the kitchen tomorrow morning before nursery.

I can’t wait!

Written by Administrator

November 22nd, 2006 at 2:35 pm

Posted in Culture

Olympics gets expenisve.

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BBC NEWS | Politics | Cost of 2012 Olympics ‘up £900m’

Dear Son,

when London won the Olympics I was excited at the idea of a huge sporting event taking place on our doorstep. At the same time I was sure the money could be better spent on housing and health care.

The cost’s for the event have just gone up by £900 million pounds, £400 million of that is to pay the “delivery partner” to make sure the thing comes in on time and on budget.

Well it can’t now come in on budget because they have blown £400 million on their “delivery partner”.

The political fall out is as silly as ever. The Liberal Democrats are saying that the government should fit the bill for the over spend. Governments don’t have any money of their own – only what they can thieve from the general public. If they were sugesting that the people who got the sums wrong should cough up – that would be a good idea. The government is thinking of charging Londerners an extra £20 a year for the next 25 years to cover the shortfall. I see the reason for making Londerners pay – the benefits to the North of Scotland form the influx of money that the games are supposed to generate won’t be felt there.
What amazes me is that governments can never get an estimate correct for a piece of work. Why don’t they simply double any quote they recieve and publish this number as the amount the project they are working on will cost? That way everything should come in under budget.

More price hikes are expected as “security” needs beefing up from the original estimate.

My head has taken over and I now think that the games will be a big waste of money – not just because Londoners will be paying extra as London has some of the poorest people in the country – but because London needs more homes and money spending on schools. Not a big stadium and some parking.

Written by Administrator

November 21st, 2006 at 2:23 pm

Posted in Olympics