Letters to my sons.

Trying to explain the world to two very small children.

Archive for January, 2008

The Messiah has returned

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Dear Son,

the Messiah has returned.

I will write more later.

Written by Administrator

January 16th, 2008 at 4:57 pm

Posted in Football

NUFC – not that bad.

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Moral defeat

Stoke City 0 Newcastle 0

The doom-mongers didn’t get the result they were hoping for but the performance at the Britannia Stadium must rank as one of the worst under the guidance of Sam Allardyce.

Only the woeful displays at Derby, Wigan and Fulham could rival an inept showing in front of the Beeb’s cameras as Newcastle stayed in the FA Cup by the skin of their teeth.

The quote above is from nufc.com. We watched the game last night and not having seen many Newcastle games on the telly and none at a football ground I don’t really know had bad Newcastle have become.

What is clear is that players need a year to settle into a new team so those who are looking out of their depth now should be much better in a years time. The only problem with the Toon Army is that we think that we should be top of the league and winning everything. What would be helpful would be the chairman to issue a statement saying that Newcastle will win nothing for the next three years while the team is being rebuilt and youngsters are being brought through.

I thought you had got used to me shouting at the TV but last night you cried when I let out an “Arrg!!” when Michael Owen didn’t manage to make a proper contact when one-on-one with the Stoke keeper. I though you would be okay because you joined in when your mother “Arrg”ed loudly during the Arsenal game and then carried on doing it for a few minutes after. Maybe your mother does it in a more gentle way than I do.

I will add it to my list of things to learn to do : “Arrg” in a gentle, non-threatening manner.

Written by Administrator

January 7th, 2008 at 4:21 pm

Posted in Football