Saturday Afternoons in July

Dear Son,

there is an episode of the Simpsons where Bart breaks his leg on the first day of the summer holidays. He complains to Homer that his summer is now ruined, Homer replies that when your a grown up every summer is ruined because you have to work. Which is so true.

The other problem with the summer is that there isn’t any football. There are transfer dealings which can be quite interesting and some pre-season friendlies but the not the same thing as a full bloodied game.

During July Saturday afternoons are long affairs. Nothing on the telly worth watching and nothing else worth doing – well there is loads of stuff that needs doing but not enough motivation to get it done. Roll on the 14th August and the start of the season away at Arsnel. Uncle Pat has departed for Jeuventus, I was hoping after our last chat he would wear the black and white stripes of another club.


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